Intervene In Syria? Just Say No.

The Dish

[Re-posted from earlier today]

The above video shows an Israeli airstrike in Damascus on Saturday night, reportedly targeting regime munitions bound for Hezbollah. It comes on the heels of another attack late last week, on missiles stored at Damascus airport. Assad’s regime now declares it will retaliate, and the IDF says this won’t be the end of the strikes:

Officials [in Israel] are concerned that as the Syrian state devolves into chaos, sophisticated weapons not previously available to Hizballah will make their way across the border to Lebanon, altering the military equation between Israel and the well-armed Shi‘ite militia sponsored by Iran and aided by the Syrian government.

We are told this was not an act of war. Why? Er, because Israel did it and therefore it is not an act of war. It may have killed close to 100 Syrian army soldiers, among many others; it may have been the biggest…

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When To End The Coverage Of Newtown

newtown-ribbonAfter midnight going into the early hours of today I drove the 10 minute drive from Danbury to Newtown.

Actually it’s a trip I make at this time every year, going to some of the smaller towns around Danbury to see the Christmas lights on display.

But I normally don’t go in the wee hours of the morning as I did today.

Going at that time today was for selfish reasons.

I wanted to go to the Sandy Hook part of Newtown to pay my respects and do so without the media around. I’ve more than had my 15 minutes of fame in life, I don’t need anymore particularly when doing something so personal and private. Continue reading